Let’s connect!
Curious about working together?
Let’s start by scheduling your complimentary 15-minute telephone consultation.
I’ll ask you about what’s going on, we’ll spend some time getting to know each other, and I’ll share some options to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions
+ I’m new to health focused genetic testing. What makes it unique?
I’m a huge fan of health focused genetic testing for my clients... and my clients love it, too. (Click here to read some of their real-life success stories!)
Distinct from traditional genetic testing, heaalth focused genetic testing gives us the big-picture view of how your body metabolizes nutrients, which health conditions you may be predisposed to, and how the nutrients and bioactives in food can turn genes down or speed them up. See, while you can’t change your genes, you sure can boss them around a bit by choosing (or not choosing) certain foods. (Your food really does talk to your genes!)
Health focused genetic testing can tell you where your strengths and weaknesses are and, most importantly, what you can do about it. This simple, affordable information (a quick cheek swab is all it takes!), combined with your unique signs and symptoms and family history, provides you with a personal roadmap to a healthier future.
You’ll gain amazing insights, like which foods are inflammatory for you, which foods can help decrease your oxidative stress, which forms of certain nutrients will bypass a genomic hiccup in your metabolism, and how you can detoxify medications, hormones, and environmental toxins. Health focused genetic testing is the most exciting thing to happen in nutrition in a long time, and I’m thrilled to be able to offer it to all my clients!
+ Do you take insurance?
I’m an out-of-network provider. I’ll gladly provide you with a superbill if you wish to seek reimbursement with your insurance carrier.
+ Do you offer virtual sessions?
I actually prefer virtual and telephone consults! If you are near the Greensboro NC area, I am happy to schedule an in person visit.
+ What are your hours?
I offer a variety of morning, evening and weekend appointments. After our Discovery Call, we find a mutually agreed on time, that’s convenient for you, to meet.
+ What if I change my mind? What is your refund policy?
I absolutely want you to love our important work together and experience the full benefits to your health. That can’t happen if you are unhappy, stressed, or we don’t have a good fit. I will refund the cost of your package within 14 days of your initial payment. This is outlined in the ageement I ask all clients to sign. Exception: I can’t refund the cost of your health focuse genetic test once it has been ordered. You will of course, receive the report without my guidance.