Nutrients to Improve Your Skin
A 3 minute read
Nourish your skin from the inside. See my recommended nutrients to improve skin below.
Spring is here! It is a time of year some of focus on our skin. Skin is your largest organ, and it plays a vital role in your overall health and wellness. It protects what’s inside you by keeping water and nutrients in, while keeping harmful bacteria and viruses out. Your skin helps you maintain your body temperature and synthesizes vitamin D when exposed to the sun. It’s nerve endings sense the outside world and help you avoid damage from things that are too hot, cold, or sharp.
Skin also reflects your overall health. Good skin starts on the inside with: good gut health, sleep, exercise, stress management, avoidance of toxins and a well-balanced, organic, anti-inflammatory diet.
Here are my top recommended nutrients to improve your skin:
Drink up! Water is absolutely an essential nutrient!
When you are dehydrated your skin feels rough and loses elasticity. The water your epidermis needs comes from the water you drink. One clinical study found that when participants who didn’t drink adequate water increased their intake, their skin became more hydrated, and their skin’s “extensibility” improved within 2 weeks.
How much water should you drink each day? For the average healthy person, divide your weight in pounds and drink that many ounces each day. If you weigh 140 pounds, strive to drink 70 ounces of water each day (requirements vary depending on body weight, season of the year and exercise intensity). One way to easily assess the adequacy of your water intake is to look at your urine. Clear urine indicates adequate hydration and you can be confident that your skin is well hydrated. See my blog on drinking more water here.
Your personal water needs may be higher if you sweat a lot (from physical activity or living in a hot, humid environment), if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you are prone to urinary or digestive tract conditions (kidney stones, vomiting, diarrhea).
Protein is an essential macro-nutrient and my clients know that I am serious about protein. Many protein experts say the current RDA for protein (.8 grams per kilogram of body weight) is too low and recommend 1.2 – 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight instead. This is if your kidneys are healthy.
I usually recommend healthy people aim for a protein consumption of 1.2 grams per kilogram per day. A 70 kg (154 pounds) person should eat 84 grams protein per day (1.2 X 70)
Protein makes up parts of your cells, immune system antibodies, and the enzymes needed for thousands of reactions (including digestion). Your body’s main structure is also made from proteins. This includes your bones, muscles, organs and skin.
Your skin is made up of several different proteins. For example, collagen and elastin are very plentiful in youth and build up the structure of your skin. Age, poor diet, lack of adequate sleep, oxidative stress and sun exposure decrease your body’s ability to produce collagen.
Protein is found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs. Plant-based sources of protein include soy, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and even vegetables like corn, broccoli, and asparagus. See my blog on protein requirements and supplementation here.
Verisol® Collagen, while not a complete protein, deserves a special mention here. It is a skin specific collagen (NOT the average collagen supplement you may see in the grocery or health food store) that has been shown (in humans) to help build collagen and elastin in the dermal layer of the skin. This means fewer wrinkles and improved elasticity!
Essential fatty acids
There are two types of fatty acids that are essential nutrients for our health and our skin. They are linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3). Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and have been linked to many health benefits including improvements in rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, heart disease, and psoriasis.
A higher intake of linoleic acid is associated with lower levels of skin dryness and thinning as skin ages. On the other hand, a lack of fatty acids is linked to increased water loss from the skin, drying it out and causing weakness in the protective outer barrier.
You can get these essential fatty acids from eating fish (salmon, sardines, and mackerel), shellfish, nuts (walnuts), seeds (flax, chia, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), Evening Primrose Oil, leafy vegetables, and avocados. Essential fatty acids are also available in fish oil supplements which may contain additional vitamins and minerals. I don’t recommend random omega 3 supplements off the shelf as fish oil can oxidize if not stored properly. Also, you want your fish oil to be batch tested for heavy metal toxins. I have a few favorite brands. Book a free call here and I can guide you to better quality Omega 3 supplements.
A professional grade multi vitamin/mineral supplement.
Almost every nutrient deficiency has skin manifestations. A comprehensive multi vitamin mineral supplement will act as insurance to make up for an imperfect diet.
Skin care beyond nutrition
While nutrition is essential, and I’ve covered my top 5 recommendations above, don’t forget other important skin care practices that help protect and nurture your skin.
Always be mindful of the many toxins that are in personal care products! Check your favorite skin care products out on the Environmental Working Group website here.
● Use gentle cleansers and warm (not too hot) water to keep skin clean
● Moisturize after taking a shower or washing your hands
● Avoid things that bother your skin such as harsh cleansers, fragrances, and irritating fabrics
● If you have allergies or an intolerance (e.g., to gluten or pollen), avoid those, of course
● Limit your sun exposure and use sunscreen as appropriate
● Be physically active
● Try to get enough quality sleep
● Use a humidifier and wear gloves when the weather is dry and cold
● Avoid tobacco
Please see a board-certified dermatologist for any and all concerning skin conditions
The nutrients you consume feed your entire body—including your skin. As your largest organ with many critical roles, your skin needs a variety of different nutrients every single day. Water, protein and essential fatty acids are important macro-nutrients. While the antioxidant vitamins C and E are among some of the micronutrients your skin needs to heal and stay healthy.
In addition to nutrition, caring for the outside of your skin is also important. Using gentle cleansers, warm water, and moisturizers, and avoiding irritants and allergens will help. If you have any medical concerns with your skin, see your healthcare professional.
Is your skin suffering from a lack of nutrition
Need help to identify what foods your skin needs?
Looking for ways to implement delicious skin-boosting foods into your day-to-day life?
Book an appointment with me to discuss how I can help you. Book a free call here.
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